Chase Home thanks restaurants, asks for more partners

Blog > Chase Home thanks restaurants, asks for more partners

For some time now, several area restaurants have stepped up to provide kids in our Residential Program with home cooked meals, and we think it is important the community knows about it.

FullSizeRender (35) Located in Portsmouth, The River House Restaurant was the first restaurant to offer to come into our home and prepare a meal for our kids on a monthly basis. Rudi’s Portsmouth has also recently agreed to partner with us and provide a meal for our kids one time each month. Lastly, Flatbread Company donates pizza once a month, too.

When you factor in staff time, ingredients for food and all the other things that go into a meal, this assistance offsets about $300 each month related to food costs. That is incredible, and we are so grateful for their support.

As a result of this success with these restaurants, we recently launched a Fund a Meal Program whereby area restaurants are welcome to join us in our kitchen and prepare a meal for our kids. This is a unique chance for restaurant owners and chefs to meet our kids and see first-hand their impact. It is also great for our kids to see businesses come in and show they care.

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If you know anyone in the restaurant industry, spread the word and tell them about this opportunity to give back to kids who really need guidance and support. All we ask is for a restaurant to pick a particulaveggieflatbreadr night each month and make it their own.

In return, we will share such generosity with everyone we know and issue blogs (like this) and press releases to announce it. It takes a village to raise a child, especially ones in trouble.

Call us at (603) 436-2216 for more information about Chase Home or our upcoming fundraiser on Tuesday, November 17. You may also visit us at